Mary Kay Chess, PhD

Dr. Mary Kay Chess serves as the chair of the unique global DBA programs at Sofia University. As a past executive in urban and rural complex organizational systems and multi-state networks, Dr. Chess continually invited practical innovation through systems thinking and leadership. She comes to Sofia as an experienced entrepreneur committed to collaborating with diverse administrative and clinical stakeholders, external partners, and community members co-creating practical healthcare solutions.
Dr. Chess continues her commitment to teaching and mentoring as a professor of leadership, systems thinking, and complexity. For over 15 years, she has been engaged in designing and leading academic programs and establishing co-learning with MBA, Ph.D., and DBA students. She has served as chair and committee member of over 25 dissertations on topics ranging from building sustainable change in organizations, mindfulness in clinical settings, work as a calling, and nutritional aspects of well-being. She is a sought-after national speaker for leaders recreating public health and safe communities within the United States.
As chair, professor, and life-long learner, she encourages creative and critical thinking, responsive partially right solutions to thorny challenges, and laughter on this journey of constant changes where we together, learn and create the emergent future.