Kelly Yi, PhD

Dr. Kelly Yi has over 20 years of clinical experience working with individuals, couples, families and groups at numerous agencies in the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as in South Korea. He is the Associate Chair of the Psy.D. program at The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology/Sofia University. He also is former clinical faculty at Stanford University and Palo Alto University. He studied the psychology of religion and comparative religious/spiritual experiences as an undergraduate at UC Santa Barbara. In graduate school, he conducted original doctoral research on long-term mindfulness training and well-being, examining the experiences of long-term practitioners and teachers of mindfulness. He is a past post-doctoral Summer Research Fellow of The Mind and Life Institute, as well as a research assistant on the Mind and Life Institute’s leading edge Cultivating Emotional Balance project. He is a certified Cultivating Emotional Balance teacher. He also is certified in: The Realization Process as Meditation teacher, Induced After-Death Communications, Thomas Hubl Practice Group Facilitation; and has extensive training in IFS, EMDR, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, ACT, Psychodrama, Somatics, MBSR, MBCT, Chi Nei Tsang, Depth Hypnosis, Emotion Focused Couples Therapy, and Structural/Strategic Family Therapy among other approaches.